Already exist - one, in the skier responsibility code, and two, in resort ski bike policies which generally require: two skis, metal edges, one seat retention device.

Compare sport rodel to a sled and a ski bike

What’s the difference?

Sport rodel

3 steering mechanisms —
1) metal reins 2) foot horns 3) Feet

4 stopping mechanisms —
1) feet down 2) pull reins and dig tails into the snow

3) hockey stop 4) pull hand brake.

Flexibility — tugging either side of the reins lifts that ski, torques the frame slightly, and engages a turn in that direction

One seat

Retention device

P-tex runners with metal edges

More technical than skis or snowboards

Sled, schlitten, saucer, leisure rodel, sled bob, toboggan etc

No steering device

No stopping mechanism

No flexibility

More than one seat

No retention device

Steel or plastic runners

A basic hazard

Ski Bikes

1 steering mechanism

1 way to stop

One seat

Retention device

P- tex skis with metal edges